Soaring Into the Future: The Need to Preserve Our Planet's Wildlife

Do you want to keep scenes like majestic Bald Eagles soaring through the sky around? We need to do something to make sure that this beautiful wildlife on planet Earth is saved. 

Over the Summer, I had developed an interest in wildlife photography and started taking pictures of birds and animals. I am passionate about saving endangered animals and I thought, “Why can’t I use these photos to save endangered animals?” I told my parents and we turned my photos into everyday items such as calendars, note cards. We got permission from a local bookstore (Linden Tree House) that believed we were doing the right thing to set up a booth outside their store. We were so fortunate to meet the manager and staff of the bookstore who were so gracious and generous with us. 

We got there at around 5:30 PM and started setting up. Minutes after we were done, someone walked by. I gently asked her if she had a minute, and even though she was cold and tired, she agreed to stop. After telling her about what I was doing, she purchased a wall calendar highlighting pictures that I had clicked over the past few months. Each one telling a story. I felt elated. I had already made my first sale! Over the next few hours, we raised lots of funds towards saving endangered animals. Some purchased note cards, some loved the calendar. It made me feel ecstatic that my photographs connected with people. Many people were interested in what I was going to do and they were impressed that I had taken all these photos by venturing out into the great outdoors. 

 One of our customers was very impressed that I had set this all up and she told me I was definitely doing the right thing. It made my day listening to that comment. My school friends, teachers, and principal supported my endeavor and immediately encouraged me to keep it up. Interacting with many familiar faces from the school made my brother and I feel at home. Over the course of 2 hours, we managed to meet so many families and shared about birds and animals. I felt that the community really appreciated the additional knowledge about these everyday birds and animals.

Over the years, these photos will hang on peoples’ walls and whenever they look at them, they will be reminded that we need to save our planet’s wildlife. From huge blue whales to tiny buzzing bees and majestic eagles diving to catch a fish, this world is home to some amazing creatures that we must preserve for the future generations. It was my first step and I look forward to many more community engagements. Thank You for reading!


Sailing on the Skagit River